This story cracked me up big time!

£100m Man. U star Paul Pogba and his girlfriend Dencia have allegedly kept guests at a posh hotel awake with their ‘loud sex moans..

Manchester United star Paul Pogba has been keeping guests at a five-star hotel up all night with 'wild sex noises' that sound 'like a porn movie'.
Guests have complained about the footballer's antics at the Lowry Hotel in Manchester after they were kept awake by his sex romps in the early hours.

The record signing has been heard moaning and groaning during lengthy sessions with his glamorous girlfriend - African singer Dencia - in his hotel room.
'Between 3am and 4am there was unmistakable moaning and groaning to be heard,' one guest told

'They didn't seem to care who heard them. It went on forever.
'It sounded like a porn movie. A few times we heard moans of 'Paul, babe' it was very uncomfortable.

'It was impossible not to hear because she was very loud.'
Guests have also raised concerns about Pogba's late night parties, saying loud hip-hop music has been blaring from his hotel room.

Some even said the flashy midfielder, who signed to the Premier League club for £89million in August, was staying up until 2am ahead of game

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  1. no wonder that the guy has not been playing well dis days.....well continue moaning your destiny away...


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