Are you a  student looking for part time businesses to do for little income?

Do you as a student wish to augument your allowances by engaging in petty business?

Would you like to know just what businesses are available for students to do?

Search no further! I've got on-camp businesses for you which aren't farfetched.

Nigeria has too many business opportunities for willing persons and the most interesting part of the whole thing is that anything you pick up as an engagement in Nigeria has great possibilities of success as long as you put your mind to it and exert the right efforts to enhance productivity.

Today let's discuss 5 Businesses that are best fits for students in Nigeria.

Ladies are well known as fashionistas, most definitely college girls are best targets. They love changing wears daily in order to keep up with their seduction grip on male counterparts on campus and off campus, so anything nice to don attracts them. Commencing a small shop where you deal on feminine items is great a business to do. They come trooping in and out of such places, especially if it's located close to the campus or on campus. Another interesting part of this business is that, their wears are quite expensive or high above male wears in pricing on campus except for their "footwears". So, it is easy to make huge returns with this, you'll just need a good supplier or a good market where you can get the items cheap.

In a world of technology where almost everyone wants to be trendy and up to date with technology advancement. About 93% of college students have phones or hand held devices and a reasonable number of them sell up their phones at the end of each semester to afford them transportation fee back home because this is usually the time when pocket money runs down to zero. This is the best time for buying these phones from them because for sure, they'd sell at cheap rates since they need money urgently for their conveyance. Buying these phones and selling back to different individuals when school reopens is a perfect and ideal business.

Most students I know are bloggers or should I rather say most bloggers i know are students. Some of them became bloggers overnight, they ran into the occupation when they discovered it to be a lucrative business and not necessarily for passion. Who cares about passion anyways? You just need a good web designer to design and develop a purposeful blog for you, blog and then work on monetization. Blogging is really paying. Linda made all her millions via blogging. You might decide to develop this as a full-time profession or just let it sustain you through school. It depends on what you want with though.

It is quite easy to get neat and clean old textbooks from passing out students or students moving to subsequent classes. Some students do not have money to purchase brand new textbooks from the store so you might be offering them a service they would be appreciating by selling these textbooks to them at affordable prices. It's also another lucrative one. You can find so many to buy and with the right marketing strategies, you can also find so many to sell to within a short space of time. This even allows you time for other businesses as well.

You can organise a team of writers and common journalists with the intent of scouting news and information in and around the school and publishing regularly to keep students posted and informed while selling it off to them at affordable and fixed prices. You can decide to publish weekly or monthly. Granted, it may require some substantial capital and deep level of commitment though but certainly it's very financially rewarding. It doesn't really matter if there are existing magazines of such already as long as you create and maintain a unique brand...

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