Would you like to start a fashion design school where you can teach people fashion and design? Good idea!

Fashion is a rave of the moment, it is one thing everyone is conscious of and for this reason, it fetches a lot of money to people who engage in it commercially. People want to learn new fashions, people want to be able to design new cloth types, people want to learn how to make the newest cloth types in town, there is always a party and another celebration, every now and then funerals have need for uniformed attire for the bereaved families, these needs are overwhelming but very possible to meet
and your quest is the ultimate way of meeting these needs with ultimate gain and of course people are living luxury as fashion designers!

Let's discuss how you can start and launch a fashion design school anywhere in Nigeria.

1... Master The fashion and designing art
You want to start a school? Be a good teacher! Being a good teacher demands that you know your subject matter very well, that means in this case you have to go learn and master the art of fashion and design. You could enrol with an existing design firm or a fashion academy perhaps for a year or two with the aim of coming out qualified both practically and theoretically to teach a new generation of fashion designers. In Lagos, there are a few reputable fashion schools like:

-- Ginani fashion design school
-- Zaria fashion & style academy
-- Fashion and Art Academy
-- Valisimo Fashion

They are well known and valued for their craft, if you're in Lagos you might consider one of these places a worthy place to be and graduating from such big named schools gives you the kind of possible affiliation you need to thrive in this growing business.

2... Source capital
Fashion and designing usually does not require large capitals for a start in Nigeria. However, since you're going to be running a school or an Academy, you need average capital to start with. If you do not have enough from self funding, and even if you do you need a structure to run with, some sort of organization which only a Business Plan affords you. With a good business plan in place, you can officially seek for loan or assistance from a few micro-finance banks around. But if you're not planning to start up large, getting some contributions from family and friends in addition to your personal savings would go a long way to help.

3... Get some space, Good space
You need space and I mean space. You would be starting your academy alone at first and it's very possible to be blinded by that on the quantity of space you really need. Worthy to note is that sooner or later, you'd be having recruits since its a school or an academy. Because of this you'll need a recruitment target or recruiting limit and this decision should guide your selection of whatever space you should utilize. You also need a well ventilated environment even if you wouldn't have an air condition installed, at least there should be enough space for the circulation of fresh air and natural breeze for comfortability of both you and your future students.

4... Get equipped
Equipments is one other part of your school where you'd have to spend some relative amount of money. It's capital intensive here because the best equipments guarantees the best Jobs from a skilled worker and the best trial efforts from a keen learner. The basic equipments you'd be needing here are
-- Working desks
-- Sewing machines
-- Weaving machines
-- Packs of needles
-- Packs of coloured threads in arrays
-- Cloth shelves
-- Experimental cloth packs
Additionally, there would be need for grading systems, regular assessments of student performance, contract terms and agreements, duration of courses and charging fees. These should all be done in a bid to reflect professionalism.

Best regard.

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