Bill  gates is an american entrepreneur,investor,writer and philanthropist. He's first-class known  entrepreneur ever had with regards to personal computer revolution and additionally the co-founder of microsoft.
   He has being ranked on the forbe's list of the wealthiest people from 1995 to 2007,turned into additionally ranked on 2009 and has been when you consider that 2014,his networth as of then become $76.5 billion with a current networth of $81.7 billion.
   Bill Gates he is also recognized for his generosity which made him the second most generous man in the United States of America,he has been contributing over $28 
billion to charity through the 'Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation'.He is Bill Gates and right here he's sharing with you his top 10 rules for success
1.Have energy
   If you want to start an enterprise or a company it takes so much energy,been energetic in terms of the effort you put in place when running any business and how you set your plan and the possible means to execute them,if this is done you will see a tangible and positive result at the end.

2.Work hard
   This is one of the biggest secret behind every successful person you know today,you will never attain success if you are not hardworking.Your dream wouldn't become a reality through magic,it takes dedication,sweat and determination towards achieving success.
3.Create the future
   In other to be a successful person,you have to create the future today,not tomorrow, putting all the necessary plan and efforts during your 
hardworking days will surely create a bright future for,no doubt about that It is certain.
4.Love what you do
   Another way to be a successful person is that you must love and enjoy what you do every single day.The path to success is not easy to navigate,but with you being hardworking and passionate,it is possible to reach your dreams.
5.Play bridge
   This part is kind of difficult to understand but what it entails is that playing bridge,it helps you think it's a game you can play your entire life and 
keep getting better and better everyday.If you are pretty good at playing bridge you are going to be great at lot of things,is advice-able for people who are striving for success to get involved.
6.Ask for advice 
   Seek advice form those who are older and more experienced than you do it will help a lot because they are sometimes you take a decision within you, you feel like it wouldn't work out best for you,ask for advice from family and friends so as to correct those blind spots if necessary.
7.Pick good people 
   The best decisions you can ever take if you really want your business to be successful is to pick smart,intelligent and committed people who shares the same vision with you and view things from your own perspective.
8.Don't procrastinate
   Being procrastinative is one of the worst habit a person can ever have because it will stop you from reaching your goals,when an idea pop into your mind do it right there and right now.Do whatever it takes never to be procrastinating any plan and decisions that you make.
   'Procrastination is like a credit card it's a lot of fun until you get the bill'.
9.Have a sense of humor 
   This has to do with things you enjoy that makes you laugh or smile it can be a comedy series or an entertaining video.
10.Have a bad influence
   Bill Gates is one of the most successful Harvard drop out,this has a lot to do with his personality.Still a bit confused about this point?watch the video below it explains it better
 "Always be yourself,express yourself,have faith in yourself,create your own style don't bother duplicating a successful personality because what works for him might not work for you either"-Late Bruce Lee
 My favorite Bill Gate's top 10 rules for success was number 2 and 4,which one is your favorite?Use the comment box lets relate!

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