Editor’s note: In this fresh piece, Philip Agbese, who writes from the United Kingdom analyses the brouhaha that arose from the statements made by President Muhammadu Buhari and his wife Aisha on who occupies various parts of the house.
Agbese says the first family especially the President who is the leader struggles hard to maintain and support his family whether he is within Nigeria or outside the shores of the country.
Buhari da Aisha President Muhammadu Buhari and his wife Aisha
An African adage says, “Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.” Whether in Africa, Europe or Asian continents, leaders are burdened. And support of his family has to come with full measure for him to succeed.
Leaders of nations battle to contain disparate interests; strive to leave a legacy and unquestionably accept responsibility for acts of commission or omission from subordinates. A leader of any nation spends more time cogitating and less for leisure.
He deprives himself and his family the comfort of his presence most of the times. It’s worse when a leader operates in a clime where there is stiff opposition.
In faraway Germany, Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari decried the burden posed by a multi-coloured opposition in Nigeria in these words; “It’s not easy to satisfy the whole Nigerian opposition parties or to participate in the government.”

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